Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Round Thoughts of a Flat Minded head

    In the first space geometry class teachers are bound to tell their students about the first and most important item one needs to understand space geometry; Imagination.
In the first space geometry lesson, we were taught about definitions one needs to understand in order to understand space geometry.
-    A level is a flat space on which you can draw three different dots on three different spots that are all on the same dimension. Neither higher nor lower. Levels do not oppose difference, but they oppose favoring; discrimination because one dot is better… or worse.
-    A sphere is a round shape that cuts through so many levels that it becomes almost impossible for two dots, or lines, to be on the same level. One is always better than the other, or worse. You see,the issue with spheres is: you know that none is equal, yet you cannot tell what’s better in a definite way. It changes, depending on what direction of space you are floating on.
    If you pick a point on a sphere and you choose a direction to follow, you’ll most definitely end up on the same spot of your beginning. You turn and choose to take a different route, you end up being on the same bloody turn you took. Like a vain hamster in a bloody running wheel; frustration.
      Levels, on the other hand, are unlimited. You can pick a route and and walk on it forever, you have an unlimited number of routes to choose from, unlimited numbers of choices to make, and of course, unlimited chances of retreating and taking a way behind. It’s all your choice, the form of land has no say in what you want.
Spheres are closed and dominant. Repetitive cycles, endless routes of frustration. And sphere is what the world we live in is.
Stars are spheres, planets orbiting stars are spheres, and moons orbiting planets are spheres.
Insomnia is a sphere. Sleepless nights are spheres. Unfair karma is a sphere. Love Triangles are closed, like spheres. Racism is a sphere. And revenge is a sphere.

Our ancestors believed in a world that is flat: A flat earth covered by seven sheets of skies above it and laying on seven layers of burning hell. A flat surface with mountains raising atop of it and water running across it. A green heaven with waterfalls on its edges, pouring themselves down on Hades below, to put it off.
   Every morning, the sun rose from east and sunk into the west to kneel at god’s throne and beg his grace to teleport it back to where it came from, so it can rise upon us one more day, granted with the divine permission of god himself, to provide us with the heat we need.


Imagine karma being as flat as the earth our ancestors believed in. Imagine it being the cover of a merciful book that our world went by. Imagine not being punished for your sins, but baptized. Imagine never being blamed, but forgiven.
Imagine your eyes being flat white areas with round colorful holes on them, not a round shape that sinks its roots deeper onto the round holes on your face.
Imagine moving those flat pupils of yours on an equal surface, favoring none you see more than the other.
Nobody is too fat to be beautiful, nobody too skinny to be healthy, and no one is too beautiful to favor by their looks.
No nose too big and no ears funny to make jokes about, no teeth looking like an animal’s and to eyes too stretched. All being equally flat, equally pleasing to the eye.

Our lives are cycles of coming out of a dark womb and falling onto wombs dug in the ground. We are believed to be made of clay, and the round way takes us back to clay.
We find joy in kicking round shapes, shooting their bouncing bodies against  the ground, and tossing them at our enemies’ goals makes us win a battle.
Bullets were first made as round small balls. Cannonballs are round. Death takes the shape of a round. Yet a round belly tells of a new life coming to earth.

As spiteful as round seems, its significance lies in how contradicting it is. We despite round, thus, we despite ourselves, for we are round, and we revolve around our rounded selves. 

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